Genomics England selects Congenica to provide clinical decision support services
Genomics England has chosen Congenica as its Clinical Decision Support Service partner to help deliver the new NHS Genomic Medicine Service, which rolls out this month.
The decision follows a competitive tender process involving the leading providers of genomic diagnostic decision support. Congenica’s SapientiaTM platform was selected using robust criteria that included usability, clinical accuracy, case throughput and commercial value.
SapientiaTM has already been validated within Genomics England’s 100,000 Genomes Project and will help clinicians, scientists and researchers to make informed medical decisions – generating actionable clinical reports.
By working with Congenica from the start of the 100,000 Genomes Project, we’ve been able to provide high quality variant interpretation of genome sequences to the NHS, helping deliver benefits to patients at scale. Now that we are embarking on the next exciting step in our journey to embed genomic medicine in healthcare, Congenica will continue to play an important role with Genomics England in delivering results to clinicians and diagnoses to patients.
Professor John Mattick
Chief Executive of Genomics England