UK Prime Minister Opens New Sequencing Centre
Today (21st November) Genomics England, Illumina, and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute hosted the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, at the opening of the Bridget Ogilvie Building on the Wellcome Genome Campus in Cambridge. This is where DNA sequencing for the 100,000 Genomes Project takes place.

It is also the site where the UK’s contribution to the original Human Genome Project took place over 15 years ago. The campus is now home to some of the world’s foremost institutes and organisations in genomics. There is now have a real opportunity to turn discoveries about genomics into healthcare benefits for NHS patients. The 100,000 Genomes Project is currently the largest whole genome sequencing initiative of its kind in the world. It aims to harness the potential of whole genome sequencing within routine NHS care.
People currently taking part in the Project are NHS patients with rare diseases and their families, as well as patients with certain common cancers. Those who take part are set to benefit through better diagnoses and personalised treatments.
Almost 15,000 whole genomes have now been sequenced in the 100,000 Genomes Project. There are 13 NHS Genomic Medicine Centres across England who are continuing to recruit patients. Biotech company Illumina are undertaking the genome sequencing. Genomics England, together with clinical interpretation partners are interpreting those sequences to return results to patients and clinicians.
As part of the opening, Sir John Chisholm, Executive Chair of Genomics England was introduced to the Prime Minster along with Dr Dame Bridget Margaret Ogilvie and David Bentley, Vice President and Chief Scientist of Illumina. They then showed her the work going on in the sequencing centre along with Chief Scientist at Genomics England Professor Mark Caulfield and Chief Scientific Officer for NHS England, Professor Sue Hill.

The UK is recognised across the world for being the first nation to introduce whole genome sequencing at scale in routine care environments. The Ogilvie facility is central to that achievement and opens the way to the virtuous circle of treating patients with genomic medicine leading to knowledge creation leading to advanced therapies leading to superior health outcomes.
Sir John Chisholm
Executive Chairman of Genomics England
NHS patients will be the first to benefit from discoveries made from this project. The 100,000 Genomes Project Genome Sequencing Centre has already enabled us to feedback results to participants with rare diseases who had not achieved a diagnosis through routine healthcare.
Professor Mark Caulfield
Chief Scientist for Genomics England
It is an honour to open these buildings as they truly represent cutting edge British science and business in the modern era. What I’ve seen on the Wellcome Genome Campus is an excellent example of research from across the UK and around the world coming together with commerce to deliver benefits for everybody including patients in the NHS. We want the UK to be the ‘go to’ place for scientists, innovators, businesses and investors. This really is a very good example of that.
Rt Hon Theresa May
UK Prime Minister
This collaborative partnership working with the latest sequencing and interpretation technologies will provide improved diagnosis and treatment options for patients; and support research and further learning into how we understand and treat disease.
NHS England is proud to support clinicians in our 13 NHS Genomic Medicine Centres in harnessing this technology for the benefits of their patients, particularly those who suffer from cancer and rare diseases. The 100,000 Genomes Project is putting the NHS at the forefront of genomic medicine internationally, and will form a platform for the wider uptake of personalised medicine approaches in years to come.
Professor Sue Hill
Chief Scientific Officer for NHS England

Genomes and biodata are an important part of all our futures. The Campus is home to research institutes, spin-out and start-up companies, academic-industry partnerships and Genomics England; all dedicated to driving and leading pioneering research and innovation and discourse in the sphere of genomes and biodata.
The new buildings mark the next major step in the progression of our vision for this Campus as a global hub for genomics and biodata. We have an ambition to translate and commercialise research findings, as well as inform and enable the NHS to integrate genomics into clinical care.
Professor Sir Mike Stratton
Director of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and Chief Executive of the Wellcome Genome Campus
It was an enormous pleasure to host the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Theresa May MP, and demonstrate the importance of industrial partnership for patient outcomes and sustained change.
With the building of our new headquarters for Europe, Middle East, and Africa at Granta Park, Cambridge, Illumina’s inward investment to the UK is set to continue along with our projects to support the NHS, and we have every confidence in the country’s unique position to be a leader in genomics in the forthcoming revolution in personalised medicine.
David Bentley, DPhil FMedSci
Vice President and Chief Scientist, Illumina Inc.