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Westminster Health Forum: Next steps for genomics in the UK

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This conference will discuss the next steps for genomics in the UK.

Richard Scott, our Chief Medical Officer, will be speaking at the conference.

It will be an opportunity to explore the future of genomic transformation in the NHS, looking at screening and personalised medicine, workforce education and training, and the options for pharmacogenomics in clinical practice.

Following the shared commitments across the UK nations for implementing Genome UK 2022 to 2025, delegates will also discuss opportunities for UK-wide collaboration in research and development of novel treatments.

Key areas for discussion include:

  • Opportunities - latest thinking on the use and potential of genomics to improve public health and develop personalised medicine - next steps for data use - genomics in screening
  • R&D - priorities for supporting innovation and collaborating on evaluation at UK level - systems to support innovative therapies - integration of health and genomic data in research
  • Pathogen genomic sequencing - taking forward lessons from systems used during the pandemic - the next steps for embedding capacity and scalability within the system
  • Implementation - the way forward for genomic transformation in the NHS
  • Pharmacogenomics - its role in drug discovery and prescribing - what has been learned from early developments - patient engagement - options for scaling up use in clinical practice
  • Collaboration and investment across the UK - key considerations for sharing data and key findings, and for surveillance
  • Developing genomic healthcare services - improving pathways - priorities for workforce education - reducing regional variation in implementation - opportunities for patient engagement

Keynotes include sessions with Professor Dame Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer for England and Senior Responsible Officer for Genomics; NHS England and NHS Improvement; Dr Rob Orford, Chief Scientific Adviser for Health in Wales, Welsh Government; and Dr. Richard Scott, Chief Medical Officer, Genomics England; Consultant, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children; and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Institute of Child Health, University College London.

The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from the Department of Health, NI; Office for Life Sciences; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government.

Schedule of events

  • 8.30


  • 9.00

    Chair’s opening remarks

    Liz Twist MP, Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Rare, Genetic and Undiagnosed Conditions

  • 9.05

    The way forward for genomic transformation in the NHS

    Professor Dame Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer for England and Senior Responsible Officer for Genomics, NHS England and NHS Improvement

    Questions and comments from the floor

  • 9.30


  • 9.35

    Priorities for research and innovation - developing personalised medicine, next steps for data use, and opportunities to use genomics for screening and to improve public health

    • Dr Philippa Brice, Deputy Director, PHG Foundation
    • Professor Louise Jones, Chair, Genomics and Reproductive Specialty Advisory Committee, Royal College of Pathologists; and Professor of Breast Pathology, Barts Cancer Institute
    • Professor Tony Bjourson, Emeritus Professor of Genomics, Ulster University
    • Dr Jeffrey Barrett, Chief Scientific Officer, Nightingale Health Senior representative, screening
  • 10.25

    The future for pathogen genomic sequencing, data sharing, and surveillance

    Senior representative, genomic sequencing

  • 10.35

    Case study - implementing pharmacogenomics in clinical practice

    Professor Dyfrig Hughes, Professor of Pharmacoeconomics and co-director of Centre of health Economics and Medicines Evaluation, Bangor University

  • 10.55

    Chair’s closing remarks

    Liz Twist MP, Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Rare, Genetic and Undiagnosed Conditions

  • 11.00


  • 11.10

    Chair’s opening remarks

    Senior Parliamentarian

  • 11.15

    Priorities for taking forward and applying innovations in genomic science

    Dr Richard Scott, Chief Medical Officer, Genomics England; Consultant, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children; and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Institute of Child Health, University College London

  • 11.40

    Developing genomic healthcare services - improving pathways, priorities for workforce education, reducing variation in implementation and opportunities for patient engagement

    • Dr Terri McVeigh, Consultant Clinical Geneticist, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
    • Professor Kate Tatton-Brown, Clinical Lead and Head, Genomics Education Programme, Health Education England; Consultant Clinical Geneticist, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; and Professor of Clinical Genetics and Genomic Education, St George’s, University of London
    • Samantha Barber, Chief Executive, The Gene People
    • Dr Judith Hayward, GP with Special Interest in Genetics, Yorkshire Regional Genetics Service; Joint Clinical Champion in Genomics Medicine, Royal College of General Practitioners; and Primary Care Lead, North East and Yorkshire GMSA
  • 12.25


  • 12.30

    Priorities for collaboration and investment in genomic healthcare across the UK

    Dr Rob Orford, Chief Scientific Adviser for Health in Wales, Welsh Government

  • 12.55

    Chair’s and Westminster Health Forum closing remarks

    Senior Parliamentarian

    Jessica Lear, Producer, Westminster Health Forum

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