A recent study found that around 14,000 patients with cancer could have reduced risk of harmful side effects from cancer treatment by receiving a lower dose or a different drug.
Whole genome sequencing could improve our ability to detect and treat childhood cancers. New research investigates the real-time impact of routine whole genome sequencing for cancer in the NHS.
In this series, ‘Genomics 101’, we go back to basics and explore some of the most important topics in genomics. In this blog, we talk through the difference between RNA and DNA.
In part 2 of this series, Genome Data Scientists Olena and Nadezda discuss our approach to variant recovery in incidences of contaminated normal samples during somatic variant detection.
The NDRS is a valuable data source for cancer researchers. A team at Genomics England have been mapping NDRS data to a common model, making it widely accessible for approved researchers.