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Research Seminar: Yuyang Chen, Dr Nicky Whiffin and Dr Daniel Greene

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Research Seminar: Yuyang Chen, Dr Nicky Whiffin and Dr Daniel Greene

The Genomics England Research Seminar series is a season of events held to demonstrate the best research from Genomics England and our partners. They started in October 2018, and are monthly, free-to-attend talks presented by Research Network members on the latest research being performed using data from the National Genomic Research Library.

This month's seminar speakers will be:

Yuyang Chen and Dr Nicky Whiffin: De novo variants in the non-coding spliceosomal snRNA gene RNU4-2 are a frequent cause of syndromic neurodevelopmental disorders.

Dr Daniel Greene:
Mutations in the U4 snRNA gene RNU4-2 cause one of the most prevalent monogenic neurodevelopmental disorders.

About the research seminars

The seminars will be held on the last Tuesday of each month at 2 to 3pm. These will be online sessions open to everyone and free to attend, we hope to have representation from across the Research Network, Discovery Forum and 100,000 Genomes Project participants as well as anyone else who would be interested in joining.

For updates on the seminars including announcements and speakers please follow the Genomics England twitter page. You can watch all previous Research Seminars on the Genomics England YouTube channel.

If you would like to present your research from the Genomics England Research Environment at one of these events please get in touch with the Research Management team at [email protected] and if you intend to publish on this research please include this so that we can publicise your paper on our Publications page.

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