For clinicians
Information and resources for clinicians engaging with whole genome sequencing and the NHS Genomic Medicine Service.

Eligibility for whole genome sequencing (WGS)

Forms required for ordering WGS tests
Health Education England's Genomics Education Programme also offers a series of online courses and competency frameworks about facilitating genomic testing. There may be specific processes in your region adapted for local needs, so please check with your NHS Genomic Laboratory Hub (GLH).

National Genomic Research Library (NGRL) consent forms
These forms can be used if the patient chooses to place their data in the National Genomic Research Library (NGRL).
National Genomic Research Library (NGRL) consent forms
Record of discussion form (covers NGRL and WGS)Continuation in the 100,000 Genomes Project for people 16 yrs+
If you are involved in facilitating consent for people age 16+ in the 100,000 Genomes Project, please visit the participant resources page, linked to below, for the relevant forms.
Patient information sheets

Materials for clinicians discussing patient choice and the NGRL

Guide to discussing WGS with patients with rare diseases
Health Education England Open the guide (.pdf)

Developing local patient documentation relating to the NGRL for NHS GMS
Genomics England Open document (.pdf)NGRL patient consent explainer video
The video is aimed at patients and family members, who are being offered genome sequencing in the NHS Genomic Medicine Service and the opportunity to contribute to the NGRL because of their rare disease or cancer.
It should be used alongside other resources about the NGRL, such as patient information sheets, listed above on this page.
We are currently gathering feedback on how this works for clinicians and patients. If you are a clinician that has used this video to discuss the NGRL, please complete the feedback form below.
The direct and shareable link for the video can be found here.
Full list of NHS materials for WGS
Find the full list of up-to-date genomic resources, including test order forms, patient information, and record of discussion forms.